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Visible Ingredients


If you have a question, we have an answer. If you cannot find your answer from the FAQ. please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
About the Product

What is "Vetted by 1Source"?

1Source.com is a science based ingredient risk assessment platform. It rates ingredients on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 refers to “Generally Safe” and 10 means the ingredients have been banned by a government or have been classified as “Carcinogen Group 1” by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

To ensure the safest products possible, Visible Ingredients only uses ingredients that are vetted by 1Source. You may click on the 1Source Seal icon 1Source Vetted - Smart Choices, Smart Living | 1Source Vetted 認證標誌 - 明智的選擇,明智的生活 on each product page for details.

Why pH value matters?

The pH level of healthy skin is at 5.5. Our products are all designed to be within the optimal range of pH-balanced skincare products. Our PUMP®️ CLEAN is also specially-formulated as a pH-balanced cleanser at 6.0 for the best cleaning results.

Is Visible Ingredients organic?

We strive for the best natural ingredients in our products. Our PUMP®️ skincare series contains over 95% of natural ingredients. We only use a small amount of synthetic ingredients that are in higher quality and stability than their natural counterparts. We list all natural and synthetic ingredients on ingredient label clearly.

Recommendations for for winter or dry skin

Apply extra layers of #5 PUMP® WATER.

Add one or two drops of our linseed essential oils to #5 PUMP® WATER and apply it to your skin.

How does Visible Ingredients choose ingredients?

We select ingredients based on safety and functionality. We do not use any controversial or harmful chemicals in our products. We place strong emphasis on safety of each ingredient.

Does Visible Ingredients do animal testing?

No, we believe in animal ethics. None of our products or ingredients would be derived from nor tested on animals. We only work with suppliers that would uphold the same values and practice.

Is Visible Ingredients vegan?

Yes, we are 100% vegan.

What are Visible Ingredients quantity accuracies?

Our quantities are 100% accurate. Ingredient range is to protect our formula only.

About the Company

Why is the company named Visible Ingredients?

Our co-founders believe in full transparency. Visible Ingredients commends that. We disclose every single ingredient completely, including its origin, safety verification and certifications.

 Visible Ingredients is the only company in the world that discloses the product formulation compositions.

When was Visible Ingredients founded?

Our co-founders have been in the skincare and cosmetic industries for over 20 years.

Visible Ingredients was founded in 2019, promoting clean beauty and conscious business practices.

Where is Visible Ingredients located?

We are based in Hong Kong SAR, China.

About the Packaging

Where is the product detail?

You may find a QR code on each product bottom. That will take you to a complete list of product details. We savour handiness and eco-friendliness.

What are the numbers used for?

The numbers on the container signify our recommended skincare routine in order of usage. It would be still fine to design your own skincare regimen regardless.


Why does Visible Ingredients uses vacuum bottles?

Vacuum bottles prevent contamination from airborne or any other types of contaminants, and reduce waste. They are very safe and effective. 

Why does Visible Ingredients uses plastic bottles?

Opaque containers can protect our product better from light. We choose recyclable plastics that will not affect our product in any way.

When we designed the packaging, we considered using glass bottles. It was confirmed that many glass components would be still plastic, making it unproductive to pursue. Glass is also much more labor intensive and weighty.

Why can we not open the bottle for the last bit?

The vacuum PUMP® design of our bottles is very efficient. It leaves little to no contents in the bottle. Safety is our ultimate goal. Our containers seal when they shut. We went to great lengths to keep all contaminants out of our product.

Why is the EYES cream pump is different?

Since the EYES cream bottle is only 15ml in size, it is too small to have the same type of pump as the rest of the series.

If you know of any suppliers offering a better 15ml bottle, please drop us a line at cs@VisibleIngredients.com. We always strive to do better.

About Manufacturing

How does Visible Ingredients choose suppliers?

Suppliers are selected only after careful consideration. We base our judgement on many factors such as, origin, quality, values, ethics, management, certifications, cleaning procedures, and environmental impact, etc.

Where does Visible Ingredients production take place?

Our GMP factory is located in Hong Kong SAR, China.

What is a GMP factory?

That means our factory conforms to the international standards of GMP certification.

ISO 22716 (2017-2020)


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